Total = 3,485 Miles
FINISHED!!! Three thousand, four hundred, and eighty-five miles. Lincoln Park, NJ to Portland, OR. July 10th to September 1st. 45 days of biking, 9 days off. 54 days on the road. In total we average 75 miles per biking day. To start off with I was hoping that we would at least average 60, so 75 is fantastic!
We finally made to an OCB like place. My brother Ryan was kind enough to come with us and watch us pig out. I seriously did not feel well after my 5th plate. Binge eating is not for everyone, but it felt good after 3400+ miles. HomeTown Buffet isn't the OCB, but is owned by the same company.
The blog is coming to an end. In the next few days I'm going to have a few more posts. Let you know what my fellow bike riders are up to. Give a break down in the costs involved with the trip. Maybe give some advice on what you should do if you are planning on biking across country yourself. It really isn't that hard if you put your mind to it. If you can get the mental part down, the physical side of things will either come around eventually or you'll just have to deal with it. Either way, I would encourage everyone to make time for an adventure of this magnitude. It really changes you and it's one heck of a weight loss program.