Friday, August 17, 2007

Day 30 - 56 Miles

Total = 2,248 Miles
Wotford City to Williston

Well, we didn't make it out of North Dakota. The state just wasn't ready to say goodbye yet. Armin needed some serious work done, so we took the fifty mile ride up to Williston. He only made it about 30 of those miles on his bike and hitched a ride for the remaining distance. I'm beginning to think some exgirlfriend of Armin's has some voodoo curse on his bike and slowly pulls out spokes and pops his tires. If this is true, I think Armin has paid enough for whatever hurt he caused you and you can stop this voodoo curse now.

It's kind of funny how we have hardly passed any touring cyclists on our trip and today we passed two groups.
We talked to one of the groups for quite a while. Michael, Chuck, and Jamie. They started in Bar Harbor, Maine and are taking the Adventure Cycling Northern Tier Route. They said they've been working on their blog quite a bit, so check it out if you have time. Let me know if they talk shit about us. We are taking different routes, but we could take a detour and start a bicycle war.

Seriously though, it's cool running into other touring cyclists and trading stories. One of the reasons we came across them is that just for the day we are on the Northern Tier bicycle route. We leave it tomorrow and probably won't see too many more cyclists.

As I was writing this a touring couple, Dominic & Amie, came up to us. They started in New Jersey as well and are doing a crazy zig zag route. They started July 5th in New Jersey, only four days after the wedding, so this is actually their honeymoon. Totally Jacked! I want to meet a girl who will go on a crazy adventure as a honeymoon. Taking resumes now! If you want to check out Dom and Amie's Honeymoon Blog, here is the web address:

The word we've been getting from the other westbound bikers is we are going to have a pretty serious tail wind tomorrow, so not only will we be heading into Montana, we might make it a century ride.